Monday, January 14, 2013

Hey guys,

I apologize for the long break.  With the holidays and everything else, I have been very busy.  Today I wanted to talk about a very important aspect in the game of baseball.  No it's not about hitting or pitching or defense.  It's about translating your off the field behavior into your on field play.  I have heard too many stories lately of guys in all sports lately making horrible decisions off the field that affect their play and many times end their career.  Often times the guy who does things right off the field goes forgotten.  He's not the cool kid out at parties and hanging out with all of the best looking girls.  No, he's the freak who stays home and studies so he can have a better future.  He's the guy who spends hours in the cage rather than hours out doing stupid things with his friends.  That guys goes unforgotten, maybe for a long time.  If you've seen the movie "Trouble with the Curve" you'll understand my reference.  Bo Gentry is the all star ball player in the movie wanted by all the big league clubs.  Quite honestly, he's a pest.  He's got all the tools, but is a horrible teammate and acts like a jackass off the field.  Forgive me, but I only remember him as "peanut boy" is the kid in the movie who works for his mom so much and studies so much that he can't play baseball, but secretly he pumps 95 from the left side.  It's a perfect example of the forgotten, and in this case, not even known worker.  And of course in the end Gentry pays for his act with peanut boy striking him out time after time and signing a pro contract.  For all you kids out there that want to act like an idiot, but then get paid the big bucks for whatever it is you dream of, ask yourself this: Who do I look up to?  More often than not, you find kids looking up to the guy who does it right off the field, because he's having the most success, not only in his profession, but in his life as well.  I'm sorry that I had to stray from baseball a little bit, but it was really on my mind and I think it can be very beneficial to any aged player.  I'll be back tomorrow with a piece on pitching that you won't want to miss.


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