Tuesday, January 15, 2013


So I promised a good pitching article today so here we go:

It's a great way to increase your velocity and control.  The secret is throwing away the balance point.  This old school way of thinking is flat out wrong.  The pitching motion needs to be one fluid motion.  Sure you have to be balanced throughout your motion but stopping with your leg up in the air is just pointless.  It all goes back to the old "an object in motion tends to stay in motion" thing.  Well it's true.  If you're stopping in your motion at any point you are shutting down your velocity and may throw off your control depending on how balanced you are in your "balance point".  If you have an old school coach teaching this, I am not saying he's a bad coach, I am just saying try it.  Try taking all the jerks and stops out of your motion and see what you think.  Let me know.  Give me some feedback.  It's a theory that I want some feedback on other than the new school guys that are teaching it.  Please feel free to post questions on my page.  I'll be back next time with an article on the stance and stride in relation to hitting.


Tip of the Day: The best thing for your arm health and developing arm strength is long toss.  There is no secret to adding strength and keeping your arm healthy.  THROW!  No weight program will help you develop arm strength.  I don't care what they tell you.  If you live in an area where you can't throw all year round then get ahold of an orthopedic band and work that rotator cuff.  That's the second best thing you can do for your arm if you can't throw.

Until next time!

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