Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Keeping Your Arm Healthy

Hey Guys,

I will have an extension of this post coming soon, but I'm going to talk about how to keep your arm healthy throughout the season.  The secret is BANDS!  If you're not doing them, you need to start.  I know you've heard it a million times, but its true.  They will help to rebuild what you lost in a day of throwing and they will  help to strengthen your arm without actually throwing.  I will have a post coming soon on certain exercises to do.  Some of them are very common and others are a little different and target the muscles that protect your arm.

Tip of the Day: When you're throwing to get loose before practice or a game, increase your distance with an arc on your throw, and come back in on a line.  This will allow you to see what you have in your arm that day, and also allow you to throw at your pique velocity day in and day out.

Until Next Time!

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