Friday, March 1, 2013

Rotator Cuff Exercises with Bands


So I promised you that I'd have a new article coming out on band exercises.  Band exercises are the single most important thing you can do with your arm to keep it healthy while gaining strength at the same time.  Arm care is truly a daily time commitment.  Give it ten minutes a day and you'll be amazed at the difference you will see in both how great your arm feels, and also how strong it is.  Here are some exercises: (there are literally hundreds, but here's a few)

1. Internal rotation- This is, as the name states, an exercise that works the internal rotator muscle of the rotator cuff.  Have the band off of your hip with your elbow tucked into your hip, then pull the band across your stomach (inward).  Do two sets of ten of this exercise.

2. External rotation- This exercise is the opposite, working the external rotator muscle of the rotator cuff.  Have your arm in the same position with the band, but this time pull the band outwardly.  REMEMBER TO KEEP YOUR ELBOW TUCKED!!!  Do two sets of ten.

3. Forward Pushes- This exercise is designed to target the muscles in the front of your shoulder.  Put your arm out to the side at shoulder height and make a 90 degree angle upward starting at the elbow.  From here simply push your arm forward and keep everything else still.  Do two sets of ten.

4. Backward Pulls- Simply do the same thing as forward pushes, except in the opposite direction.  This works the muscles in the back of the shoulder.  Do two sets of ten.

5. Throwing motions- This one is self explanatory.  Just go through your throwing motion.  All this is designed to do is to loosen up the arm.  Do two sets of ten.

Like I said, these are just a few.  If you want more exercises, or have pain in a certain place, don't hesitate to let me know.  I'd like to help with any of the certain problems you are having with your arms now that the season is here.  I apologize for not getting some illustrations of these, but I struggled to find any good ones.

Tip of the Day: Use a heavy band one day, and a light one the next.  Alternate each day.  This will be even more rehabilitating to your arm than just using a heavy or just using a light one.

Until Next Time!

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