Monday, March 18, 2013

Hand Placement: Right or Wrong Answer?

Hey guys!

I know it's been a while.  Sorry I've been super busy.  A question I've been getting a lot lately is, "where should my hands be in my stance?"  This is an issue that is never truly touched on by hitting coaches.  Too many coaches tell you that there is a right place and want to clone you as a hitter.  There is no right place!  As long as your hands end up in the same load position I talked about in my earlier post, it doesn't matter.

A tip that I can give you, however, is to put your hands where they feel the most powerful.  You want to feel the strongest that you can in  your swing, which will in turn make you the most comfortable.  It all goes back to that.  Comfort.

I know that this is a short post, but for those of you that were wondering about this very question, I hope that this helps.  Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions that you have.

Tip of the Day: Make sure to swing the baseball bat everyday.  Whether you are hitting a ball or not, you need to ingrain the swing into your muscle memory.  Even if it's just 30 dry swings per day, think about how natural the swing will begin to feel.  This will allow you to spend more time focusing on the most important thing: seeing the ball and hitting it!

Until Next Time!

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