Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Guess Hitting: Right or Wrong?

Hey Guys,

A topic that comes up a lot during hitting discussion is whether to guess the pitch that is coming or whether to sit fastball and react to the off speed pitches.  The fact of the matter is that it depends on the count, the tendencies of the pitcher, and how you are hitting the baseball at the time.

In regards to count, you need to guess fastball in fastball counts, because guessing right results in BOMBS.  Counts where you are ahead are 0-0, 1-0, 2-0, 3-0, and 3-1.  Sit on the fastball in those counts and punish it.  If he throws off speed spit on it. (Unless it hangs, then crush it.)

You also have to take a look at the pitchers tendencies.  If you see him throwing a certain pitch on certain counts, then get ready for it.  Hitting the baseball is a whole lot easier when you know what's coming.

The last thing you need to think about is how you are hitting at the time.  Do you always hit the fastball well?  Do you always crush hanging curves or do you look like a fool every time the pitcher goes off speed?  These are things you need to think about when you're guessing and making a plan at the plate.

Obviously, if you guess wrong you need to not swing or make an adjustment.  ONLY GUESS IN COUNTS THAT YOU WON'T BE HURT IF YOU'RE WRONG!  My recommendation would be to not guess on two strike counts.

Tip of the Day: Work on your guessing in the batting cage and try to study the tendencies of pitchers each time you watch baseball.

Until Next Time!

Monday, July 15, 2013

3 Drills You Need to Do That You Aren't

Hey Guys,

Real quick today, I wanted to give you three drills to improve your game.  They are very simple and you've heard of them, but you HAVE to start doing them.

1. The Wall Drill- Take your bat from your belly button and touch the bat to a wall in front of you.  Proceed to take a swing and not hit the wall. This drill forces you to stay inside the baseball.

2. The Patty Cake Drill- Stand sideways with a wall behind you and get into throwing position. Take your arm back as if you are throwing and high five the wall. This forces you to get your arm in proper position to throw.

3. Face Off- Get a partner or a wall and a  tennis ball. Get into a squat and hold it as you toss the ball off the wall as fast as you can.  This works your soft hands and hand eye coordination.

These drills are very simple but if you commit to doing them for fifteen minutes a day you will improve at all the aspects of your game.

Tip of the Day: When doing the wall drill make sure you keep your back shoulder down on the swing so your not cheating and pulling off to make sure your bat doesn't hit the wall.

Until Next Time!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

"The Game Knows"

Hey Guys,

Okay so I've been doing a lot of baseball lately and haven't gotten to write much but let me just first say, I love all of the activity going on with your posts.  You all really care about the game of baseball and I think it's awesome.

All right enough of the gooey stuff, let's talk about baseball.  Do you ever notice that everyone, sooner or later, gets what they deserve in the game of baseball?  I'm a big proponent of, "The game knows".  Baseball knows if you work hard or don't.  Baseball knows if you want to be there or not.  Baseball knows if the umpire messed up and so on and so on.  The game always self corrects.

This being said, I hope it is motivation for you to go out and respect the game 100% every single time because if you don't the game will know and you will pay for it.

I was at a game the other day and I'm sitting in the stands watching a team pound the other.  It's 7-0 and the team that is winning lays down a bunt for a hit.  Obviously I'm not happy about that and I don't have a kid on either team.  It was completely disrespectful to the game.  Can you guess what happened next?  The player got picked off first base the very next pitch.  It was a perfect example of, "The game knows."

Another example that I have is a pitcher warming up.  The coach says to him, "You don't look like you want to be here today."  The player responds, "I don't," and walks away.  That first inning he got shelled and gave up 8 runs.

If you're playing baseball for any other reason besides the fact that you love the game, then you need to rethink playing.

I challenge you this week to go to a baseball game and watch one of the baseball players disrespect the game.  After you find your example, watch the game pay him back at some point.  Leave your stories on my blog.  We need to reteach everyone how to respect the game of baseball, before it is played for all the wrong reasons.

Until Next Time!