Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Guess Hitting: Right or Wrong?

Hey Guys,

A topic that comes up a lot during hitting discussion is whether to guess the pitch that is coming or whether to sit fastball and react to the off speed pitches.  The fact of the matter is that it depends on the count, the tendencies of the pitcher, and how you are hitting the baseball at the time.

In regards to count, you need to guess fastball in fastball counts, because guessing right results in BOMBS.  Counts where you are ahead are 0-0, 1-0, 2-0, 3-0, and 3-1.  Sit on the fastball in those counts and punish it.  If he throws off speed spit on it. (Unless it hangs, then crush it.)

You also have to take a look at the pitchers tendencies.  If you see him throwing a certain pitch on certain counts, then get ready for it.  Hitting the baseball is a whole lot easier when you know what's coming.

The last thing you need to think about is how you are hitting at the time.  Do you always hit the fastball well?  Do you always crush hanging curves or do you look like a fool every time the pitcher goes off speed?  These are things you need to think about when you're guessing and making a plan at the plate.

Obviously, if you guess wrong you need to not swing or make an adjustment.  ONLY GUESS IN COUNTS THAT YOU WON'T BE HURT IF YOU'RE WRONG!  My recommendation would be to not guess on two strike counts.

Tip of the Day: Work on your guessing in the batting cage and try to study the tendencies of pitchers each time you watch baseball.

Until Next Time!

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