Monday, July 15, 2013

3 Drills You Need to Do That You Aren't

Hey Guys,

Real quick today, I wanted to give you three drills to improve your game.  They are very simple and you've heard of them, but you HAVE to start doing them.

1. The Wall Drill- Take your bat from your belly button and touch the bat to a wall in front of you.  Proceed to take a swing and not hit the wall. This drill forces you to stay inside the baseball.

2. The Patty Cake Drill- Stand sideways with a wall behind you and get into throwing position. Take your arm back as if you are throwing and high five the wall. This forces you to get your arm in proper position to throw.

3. Face Off- Get a partner or a wall and a  tennis ball. Get into a squat and hold it as you toss the ball off the wall as fast as you can.  This works your soft hands and hand eye coordination.

These drills are very simple but if you commit to doing them for fifteen minutes a day you will improve at all the aspects of your game.

Tip of the Day: When doing the wall drill make sure you keep your back shoulder down on the swing so your not cheating and pulling off to make sure your bat doesn't hit the wall.

Until Next Time!

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