Sunday, July 14, 2013

"The Game Knows"

Hey Guys,

Okay so I've been doing a lot of baseball lately and haven't gotten to write much but let me just first say, I love all of the activity going on with your posts.  You all really care about the game of baseball and I think it's awesome.

All right enough of the gooey stuff, let's talk about baseball.  Do you ever notice that everyone, sooner or later, gets what they deserve in the game of baseball?  I'm a big proponent of, "The game knows".  Baseball knows if you work hard or don't.  Baseball knows if you want to be there or not.  Baseball knows if the umpire messed up and so on and so on.  The game always self corrects.

This being said, I hope it is motivation for you to go out and respect the game 100% every single time because if you don't the game will know and you will pay for it.

I was at a game the other day and I'm sitting in the stands watching a team pound the other.  It's 7-0 and the team that is winning lays down a bunt for a hit.  Obviously I'm not happy about that and I don't have a kid on either team.  It was completely disrespectful to the game.  Can you guess what happened next?  The player got picked off first base the very next pitch.  It was a perfect example of, "The game knows."

Another example that I have is a pitcher warming up.  The coach says to him, "You don't look like you want to be here today."  The player responds, "I don't," and walks away.  That first inning he got shelled and gave up 8 runs.

If you're playing baseball for any other reason besides the fact that you love the game, then you need to rethink playing.

I challenge you this week to go to a baseball game and watch one of the baseball players disrespect the game.  After you find your example, watch the game pay him back at some point.  Leave your stories on my blog.  We need to reteach everyone how to respect the game of baseball, before it is played for all the wrong reasons.

Until Next Time!

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